Saturday, January 27, 2007

Hi again. The weather here is very strange. We went to Bakewell last week and going over the moors it snowed so i stopped and took some pics. I'm glad i did because 10 minutes later it stopped and since then it has been gloriously sunny. The daffs in the garden are all up, and a few are ready to flower. What happened to the winter, it can't be over already. I'm sure we will pay for it in the long run. We'll probably have snow for Easter.
This morning we went down to see to the hens in tee shirts. They are all doing very well, but we think Daisy (one of the Light Sussex) is a boy. She/he is much bigger than the others, her wattles and comb are bigger, her legs are fatter and she has become megga vocal. As soon as we hear her crowe she's had it. Not that either of us could do the dirty deed, but Pete, our allotment friend who keeps chicks, will help us out in that department. They are giving us 5 eggs a day now, which is more than we can manage, but i have a queue of people at work who want to buy them off me so it's not a problem. Until next time..........

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