Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hello from Chicken Squad 2

Our new birds have arrived and are settling in nicely. We haven't got a roof on the big run yet but will have in about 3 weeks. The chickens are much safer in the new hen house because it has a run attached, so they can be out at night but still enclosed, away from nasty Mr Fox. They've been roosting on a tree trunk in the small pen when I've gone down at night, so i have to lift them to the pop hole to go right into the house.
We have 2 Marans, who lay lovely dark brown eggs. They are grey with white markings (called Silver Cuckoo), and they have been named as Sweetie and Blossom, by Ellie in New Zealand. There are also 2 Rhode Islands (Red) which are lovely red/brown fat chickens. These are Henny and Penny the 2nd. There are 2 Black Rock chickens who are ugly brown and black, but are supposed to lay loads of eggs once they get going. These are Paxo and Bisto. Luckily they don't know what these brand names are for!!!
We've had 1 egg each day so far, but the breeders told us they were all a bit young, so it may be 5-6 weeks before they are all in production.

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